Making Christ Known in the ADF
Making Christ Known in the ADF
Who we are
FOCUS Military Ministry is a Christian ministry, independent of the Australian Defence Force, who employ ministry workers and volunteers to lead the ministry at ADF training bases. We are committed to making Christ known in the ADF.
Our Strategy
FOCUS Military Ministry has set a strategy to achieve our vision of every person joining the ADF having the opportunity to know the Lord Jesus.
We will achieve this by:
Engaging current and future trainees to consider Christ
We are present on training bases and visible to trainees. We seek to have a high awareness of our ministry and a good understanding amongst all trainees that we follow Jesus.
Proclaiming the gospel to recent entrants of the ADF
FOCUS staff and trainees are encouraging all people to attend FOCUS events and churches. We seek to present the gospel clearly and winsomely at every appropriate opportunity.
Equipping Christians for Christ-centred lives in the ADF
We seek to grow a deep understanding of the Christian faith in trainees through regular bible reading and prayer. We help grow confidence in handling God's word and prepare trainees for the unique challenges and opportunities of following Christ in the ADF.
Connecting Christians to support the mission of FOCUS
We encourage people to support FOCUS through prayer and financial support to ensure the ministry is sustainable and effective. We engage local churches and likeminded ministries to mutually support God's work.
In ministering to people, we value:
Local Churches
as the primary expression of the body of Christ and so values every trainee, staff-member and volunteer leader having a love for, and a committed involvement in, a local church.
Prayerful dependence on God
as we recognise God's rule over all things. God answers prayer more abundantly than we ask, so we pray according to his will and work in God's power for his glory.
The Bible
as God-breathed and trustworthy (2 Tim 3:16). We value expository Bible teaching and study, Biblical theology, and humble submission to the Bible to shape our life and doctrine and our mission, message and methods of ministry
in the way we do ministry. This means forming a staff, volunteer or church-led team to lead each training base ministry in partnership with trainees. This also means forming effective partnerships with a variety of like-minded ministries.
Statement of Beliefs
We believe in a sovereign God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) who created and sustains the universe. He loves us and, despite our rebellion, has paid the price for our guilt by having the Son, Jesus Christ, die on the cross. Having reconciled us to him, we are called to new life and are being transformed by the Holy Spirit.
Our Team
Army Logistics Training Centre
Pete Ritchie
Pete served as a sailor in the Navy a long time ago! After the Navy, Pete did a ministry apprenticeship & then studied for a Masters of Arts (Theology) at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. Pete finds it a massive privilege to lead the staff team of FOCUS and lead the ministry at the Army Logistics Training Center in Wodonga. Married to the legendary Mel, and together with their two kids, the Ritchie’s are part of Thurgoona Presbyterian Church. Pete has a life long dream of being an extra on Brooklyn 99.
Australian Defence Force Academy
James Leitch
James leads the FOCUS team at ADFA. He met his wife Sarah whilst she was studying at ANU and he was completing his aeronautical engineer training at ADFA. James’ training for ministry has since included an apprenticeship with FOCUS and theological study with the Melbourne School of Theology and the Sydney Missionary and Bible College. James and his family are part of Crossroads Christian Church. James thinks that twins are wonderful!
Merryn Williams
Merryn never studied at ADFA, but wishes she had (or at least considered it). Instead she worked at McDonald’s while studying at ANU and then as a public servant in Defence before leaving to complete a Masters of Divinity at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. Merryn ministers at ADFA and oversees FOCUS's women’s ministry. She and her husband Tim are part of Dickson Baptist Church. Merryn wonders why baking is not listed as a spiritual gift.
Megan Errignton
Megan studied Civil Engineering and Arts (French Studies) last decade. More recently, Megan’s training for ministry included an apprenticeship in Sydney and a Masters of Divinity at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. Megan and her family moved to Canberra in 2017. Megan and her family are part of St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Wanniassa. Megan has decided to test how adding another child to the family will impact the level of chaos.
Sam Gregory
Sam studied at ADFA and served as an Army Signals Officer upon graduation from RMC. He completed a Masters of Divinity at Ridley College in Melbourne and transferred to Army Chaplaincy for the second half of his career. Sam moved back to Canberra with his wife Adela and daughter Eleanor in 2023 to join the team at ADFA. They are part of Jerrabomberra Community Church. Sam accepts responsibility for any and all mistakes found on this website.
Our Committee
We have a governance committee overseeing our work and prayerfully stewarding FOCUS and it's resources.
Dave Stephens - President
Karyn Twohill - Secretary
Jeremy Elias - Treasurer
Dan Anderson
Tracy Bickell
Ian North
Phil Riley
Australian Military Ministries
FOCUS Military Ministry
402 Wagga Rd
Lavington, NSW 2641
0422 798 288
© 2024 FOCUS Military Ministry